The Reformed Bohemian
Pine Bach Flower Essence
Pine people are people that are consumed with feelings of guilt, they may have been carrying these feelings for many years, they are always apologising and holding themselves responsible for other people’s mistakes often feeling despondent and despair about their situation.They carry the burdens of guilt even if they haven’t done anything wrong. They never feel good enough no matter how well they’ve done or successful they are because they feel a sense of guilt even about success as if they don’t deserve it because of past misdeeds. This could be guilt carried on from childhood for not living up to a parent’s expectations or some other sense of blame or guilt installed on them in childhood.
Pine Bach flower essence helps pine people to release feelings of blame and guilt and to see with a clear perspective that they are deserving and worthy of good things and happiness. It helps to get rid of negative thought patterns or that negative voice in their heads and to forgive themselves for any past wrongs and to move on with life free of the burdens of guilt.
Pine can be used to restore harmony in people who are experiencing the following symptoms:
Experiences feelings of guilt and despondency, blaming themselves.
Feels responsible either partly or wholly for the mistakes of others.
Takes little pleasure or joy in life.
Feels unworthy or inferior.
Feels like they don’t deserve good things including love, apologises for their very existence.
Often apologises for their or others behaviour or situation.
Feels guilty if they have to correct others.
Sets high standards for themselves, higher than they expect of others yet feel guilty if they are not able to reach or maintain these standards.
Sees their flaws and weaknesses rather than their potential or skills.
Even if they do well or have a successful outcome they focus on things that went wrong or they feel they could have done better.
Self-destructive, negative/poor self-image.
Despite reassurance from others, they are unable to receive or accept this.
May have unconscious religious perceptions of good and evil and sins.
The essence of Pine can help to release the energy block and allow the natural energy to flow freely. People will notice this through changes in their behaviour and feelings.
Able to accept own faults but doesn’t overly hold on to them and persecute themselves for them.
Able to forgive themselves and move on.
Guilt is replaced with feelings of regret making it easier for them to move on from mistakes.
No longer holds themselves responsible for others mistakes and can offer support rather than taking the burden on themselves.
Patient and understanding of others feelings.
4 drops x 4 times per day preferably on an empty stomach.
Using a dropper to put the drops straight on or under the tongue.
Hold in the mouth for a few seconds before swallowing for maximum benefit.
Try not to let the dropper touch the tongue as this will transfer digestive enzymes back into the bottle.
If the symptoms are particularly acute you can increase the dosage to 4 drops every 10 – 30 minutes until you notice the symptoms improving.
Can be taken as often as it feels necessary but a minimum of 4 times per day to start feeling the benefits.
Alternatively, in acute cases you can add 2 drops to a drink, such as water or juice and sip frequently refilling as needed.
Note: Safe to use for babies, simply add the drops into the baby’s bottle.
It’s very rare for Flower Remedies to have any side effects, however in rare cases people can experience what is known as 'aggravation', this is simply that the original symptoms are temporarily intensified and you may feel worse for a short period of time before you start to notice benefits.